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Microsoft Excel Basic Formulas

We will learn about some basic formulas of Excel in this post

it is necessary to write "=" in start of every Excel formula. we will discuss about following formulas
  1. Sum
  2. Subtraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Division
  1. Sum
  2. Sum formula is most basic formula in Microsoft Excel.this formula allowing you to calculate total of numeric values present in Excel Cell.


  3. Subtraction
  4. If we want to calculate difference between Speed of Rabia and Sana then we have to use negative sign with subtracting value in Sum formula
    We can also use this formula



  5. Multiplication
  6. in above example typing speed wpm(Word/Minute) is given , if we want to know ability of each student to type words in five minutes then we can use here Multiplication formula , "*" Key is used for multiplication


  7. Division
  8. If words typed in 5 minutes are given and we have to calcualte Speed of student word/Minute then use division formula for this purpose , "/" Key is used for Devision


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